Academic Activities : Events and Programs
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परियोजना प्रतिवेदन - "हिन्दी कविता में षट्ऋतु माहात्म्य" सत्र 2023-24, अन्वेषक डॉ.(श्रीमती) गायत्री वाजपेयी- प्रोफेसर हिन्दी अध्ययन शाला एवं शोध केन्द्र।2024-11-14
सेमिनार - दो दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय शोध संगोष्ठी "विलुप्तप्राय बुन्देली लोक आख्यानों में संस्कृति-दर्शन" 29-30 जून, 20242024-06-15
Two days international seminar entitled ‘Nanotechnology Through Time: Bridging Ancient India to Modern Innovations’ organized by School of Chemistry and Research Centre, on July 15–16, 20242024-05-27
Two-Days International Seminar on Bundelkhand Kesari Maharaja Chhatrasal: Epitome of Power, Devotion & Politics Scheduled on 01 & 02 February 20242024-05-06